Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Great resources

Just wanted to tell you where I looked at and found some great sites. The Going Green movement has focused on local goods has made it so many businesses are still selling products. The USA laws have defined that made in the USA label has to be more then 50 % of the product made in the USA to be labeled. USA law also has mandated that manufacturers tell where it is made or in some different sectors who produced the product. Here is where I started:,,,,, target and Costco. A non -profit dedicated to made in the USA products. Has a great search engine on many different products, look at the recent later pages because some times the companies have gone out of business or changed to a cheaper manufacturer. I found out through them that Lucky Jeans are made in the USA and New Balance. Not to be confused with green people skin products in the UK, has many great resources on organic products. Type in made in the USA and there is alot of info, of course you are going to have to search it.

milehighorganics: Is a food delivery to your door in Colorado, I love that they tell you the city and state where the food is grown. Love the biggest online shopping resources that has recently bought out so they have great deals for moms as you sign up on their amazon mom. To find made in USA products type it in the search bar more then 200,000 things come up. Type in made in USA and you will find many products, plus you will recognize that many brands have only a few items that were made in the USA.

Target: Go to the organic section and when looking remember that tropical fruits such as bananas and pineapples are not produced in the USA and look at the labels.

Costco: Is fabulous for USA made products especially here in Colorado.

New Years resolution

My husband and I decided to buy only products made in the USA for our new years resolution and we decided to write about the adventures in doing this because it's going to be hard, when we live in a world where finding products made from other countries is so common place.

Why did we come to this choice? Looking at US economic development and the loss of our industry, which has led to higher unemployment and lower wages in America. I'm truly sickened by the fact that cheap labor in other countries leads to problems such as human trafficking and poor working situations for the laborers and that lots of people in the USA are losing jobs due to foreign investment.

Our founding fathers fought to get freedom for our country. Britain, at one point, made laws against the manufacturing of goods made in her American Colonies and further restricted American trade by allowing Americans to trade only with England. This effectively hurt our economic development. A response to these laws was that Americans increased American manufacturing during the Revolutionary War.

Self-sufficiency, as much as it was possible, used to be a national goal and buying American normal and patriotic. Unfortunately, only a small amount of industry is left in the USA. We want to support the businesses that sell USA made goods to preserve jobs and our economy.